Title is the upcoming debut studio album by American singer-songwriter Meghan Trainor. It is scheduled to be released on January 9, 2015, by Epic Records. The album serves as a replacement of Trainor's 2014 extended play of the same name, and is made up of a standard 11-track edition and deluxe edition with four extra songs. It was predominantly written and composed by Trainor and Kevin Kadish, and produced by the latter. Other collaborators on the album include Chris Gelbuda and Jesse Frasure, while John Legend and Shy Carter serve as its only featured artists. Title was developed as a "very honest" album for all ages, with "very honest" storylines. It reflects on changes in Trainor's life and in her artistic process, and is intended as a source of empowerment for youth. Sonically, Title was inspired by Trainor's love for throwback style records, and the 1950s and 1960s eras in music. She honed the album's sound by incorporating different combinations of genres, including: Caribbean, doo-wop, hip hop, soca and pop, among others.
The album has been preceded by two commercially successful singles. "All About That Bass", released as the album's lead single on June 30, 2014, topped the US Billboard Hot 100 for eight weeks and the UK Singles Chart for four. The song peaked at number one in 58 countries worldwide and became one of the best-selling singles of all time. The second single "Lips Are Movin", released on October 21, 2014, marked Trainor's second consecutive top five hit with a peak of number four on the Billboard Hot 100. Trainor has promoted Title through a series of public appearances and televised live performances, as well as on the Jingle Ball Tour 2014. The album's supporting concert tour, That Bass Tour, commences on February 11, 2015.
1. Intro/The Best Part
2. All About That Bass
3. Dear Future Husband
4. Close Your Eyes
5. 3am
6. Like I'm Gonna Lose You
7. Bang Dem Sticks
8. Walkashame
9. Title
10. What If I
11. Lips Are Movin'
12. No Good For You
13. Mr. Almost
14. My Selfish Heart
15. Credit