This hi res music feature features 10 lyrical pieces from nassaus music group and its agent brands, including Saint sang, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt and other romantic composers, as well as some unknown but excellent pieces by minor composers such as Bergstrom and Reinhold Gli è re. It is interpreted by the outstanding performers in the field of classical music. In this sweet festival, let music add a touch of romantic color to the night.
Adagio and Allegro, op. 70
舒曼:柔板与华丽的快板, op. 70
演奏:David Finckel/Wu Han
Romance in C Major, Op. 48
圣-桑:C大调浪漫曲, Op. 48
Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major, Op. 99
勃拉姆斯:F大调第二号大提琴奏鸣曲, Op. 99
演奏:Duo Leonore
Piano Trio No. 2 in F Major
舒曼:F大调钢琴三重奏 No.2 Op.80
12 Lieder von Schubert, S558/R243
李斯特:舒伯特艺术歌曲十二首 S558/R243
演奏:Mikhail Mordvinov
Violin Concerto in G Major, Op. 25
博格斯特伦: G大调小提琴协奏曲,Op. 25
12 Pieces, Op. 51 No. 1 in E Major
Reinhold Glière: E大调12首小品,No. 1,Op. 51
演奏:Maja Bogdanović
演奏:Jürg Eichenberger
Waltz in F Minor, Op. 70 No. 2
肖邦:F小调圆舞曲,Op.70 No.2
演奏:Marcel Worms