01. 最后那只弓头鲸没有回头 (At last the bowhead whale never looked back)
02. 然后你来 (And then you stopped by)
03. 苍蝇为什么要搓手 (Socially awkward fly can't stop rubbing its hands)
04. 宇航员 (Astronaut)
05. ∞安德烈斯 (∞Endless)
06. 一万种呼啸而过的方式 (10000 ways to roar by)
07. 吃 (Fashionable eating disorder)
08. 不治 (Ever following lover)
09. 不治II (Ever following lover II)
10. 在有或没有的从前 (There was a time and no time)
11. 要 (The long and stretched out shadow at 5:30pm)