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[无损专辑] 《亨德尔 - 弥赛亚》Trevor Pinnock / The English Concert&Choir 1990/FLAC

发表于 2021-2-21 21:48:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专辑名称:Handel - Messiah / Augér, von Otter, Chance, Crook, Tomlinson, English Concert, Pinnock
又名: 亨德尔 - 弥赛亚
表演者: Trevor Pinnock / The English Concert & Choir
流派: 古典
专辑类型: 专辑
发行时间: 1990-10-25
出版者: Archiv Produktion


  作曲: Handel
  指挥: Trevor Pinnoc 特雷沃·平诺克
  演出: The English Concert & Choir 英国音乐会乐团与合唱团
  演唱: George Frideric Handel, Arleen Auger, et al.
  唱片公司: Archiv Produktion
  唱片编号: #23630
  出版日期:October 25, 1990

Disc: 1
1. Messiah: Part One - 1. Sinfony (Grave - Allegro moderato)
2. Messiah: Part One - 2. Accompagnato : Comfort Ye My People
3. Messiah: Part One - 3. Air : Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
4. Messiah: Part One - 4. Chorus : And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed
5. Messiah: Part One - 5. Accompagnato : Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts
6. Messiah: Part One - 6. Air : But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming
7. Messiah: Part One - 7. Chorus : And He Shall Purify
8. Messiah: Part One - 8. Recitative : Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive
9. Messiah: Part One - 9. Air and Chorus : O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings
10. Messiah: Part One - 10. Accompagnato : For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover
11. Messiah: Part One - 11. Air : The People That Walked In Darkness
12. Messiah: Part One - 12. Chorus : For Unto Us A Child Is Born
13. Messiah: Part One - 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)
14. Messiah: Part One - 14. Recitative: There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field - Accompagnato: And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord - 15. Recitative: And The Angel Said Unto Them - 16. Accompagnato: And Suddenly There Was With The Angel
15. Messiah: Part One - 17. Chorus : Glory To God In The Highest
16. Messiah: Part One - 18. Air : Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion
17. Messiah: Part One - 19. Recitative : Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind
18. Messiah: Part One - 20. Air : He Shall Feed His Flock
19. Messiah: Part One - 21. Chorus : His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light
20. Messiah: Part Two - 22. Chorus : Behold The Lamb Of God
21. Messiah: Part Two - Air : 23. He Was Despised

Disc: 2
1. Messiah: Part Two - 24. Chorus : Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs
2. Messiah: Part Two - 25. Chorus : And With His Stripes We Are Healed
3. Messiah: Part Two - 26. Chorus : All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray
4. Messiah: Part Two - 27. Accompagnato : All They That See Him
5. Messiah: Part Two - 28. Chorus : He Trusted In God
6. Messiah: Part Two - 29. Accompagnato : Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart
7. Messiah: Part Two - 30. Arioso : Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow
8. Messiah: Part Two - 31. Accompagnato : He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land
9. Messiah: Part Two - 32. Air : But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul
10. Messiah: Part Two - 33. Chorus : Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
11. Messiah: Part Two - 34. Recitative : Unto Which Of The Angels
12. Messiah: Part Two - 35. Chorus : Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him
13. Messiah: Part Two - 36. Air : Thou Art Gone Up On High
14. Messiah: Part Two - 37. Chorus : The Lord Gave The Word
15. Messiah: Part Two - 38. Air : How Beautiful Are The Feet
16. Messiah: Part Two - 39. Chorus : Their Sound Is Gone Out
17. Messiah: Part Two - 40. Air : Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage
18. Messiah: Part Two - 41. Chorus : Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder
19. Messiah: Part Two - 42. Recitative : He That Dwelleth In Heaven
20. Messiah: Part Two - 43. Air : Thou Shalt Break Them
21. Messiah: Part Two - 44. Chorus : Hallelujah
22. Messiah: Part Three - 45. Air : I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
23. Messiah: Part Three - 46. Chorus : Since By Man Came Death
24. Messiah: Part Three - 47. Recitative : Behold, I Tell You A Mystery
25. Messiah: Part Three - 48. Air : The Trumpet Shall Sound
26. Messiah: Part Three - 49. Recitative : Then Shall Be Brought To Pass
27. Messiah: Part Three - 50. Duet : O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
28. Messiah: Part Three - 51. Chorus : But Thanks Be To God
29. Messiah: Part Three - 52. Air : If God Be For Us
30. Messiah: Part Three - 53. Chorus : Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain --- Amen



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