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[无损专辑] [FLAC]《默顿圣诞的静谧之美》默顿学院女生合唱团 2022/Hi-Res/96-24/FLAC分轨/BD

发表于 2023-3-3 15:05:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专辑名称:In the Stillness: A Merton Christmas
表演者: The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford & Benjamin Nicholas
流派: Classique
专辑类型: 专辑
发行时间: 2022-10-28
唱片公司:2022 Delphian Records Ltd.

在午夜马厩的寂静中,一个婴儿诞生了……在一个冬天的下午,牛津教堂的寂静中一个女孩的声音在歌唱。默顿学院(Merton College)的女合唱团是牛津(Oxford)和德尔菲安(Delphian)合唱界的最新明星,在本杰明·尼古拉斯(Benjamin Nicholas)的指导下,她们在不到五年的时间里一直在歌唱:在他们的首张专辑录制中,在教堂合唱团(Chapel Choir)低沉的声音的支持下,她们再次在音乐中讲述了几个世纪以来永恒的圣诞光的故事,希望和欢乐的世界。
In the stillness of a midnight stable, a babe is born … In the stillness of an Oxford chapel on a winter’s afternoon, a girl’s voice sings. The newest star in Oxford’s – and Delphian’s – choral firmament, the girl choristers of Merton College have been singing services under the directorship of Benjamin Nicholas for less than five years: in their debut album recording, supported by the lower voices of the Chapel Choir, they tell once more in music from across the centuries the timeless Christmas story of light, hope and joy for a troubled world.

01. Angelus
02. The Little Road to Bethlehem
03. Carol of the Bells (Arr. Peter J. Wilhousky)
04. Peace on Earth
05. I Sing of a Maiden
06. The Holy Boy
07. Star Carol
08. Infant Holy (Arr. Michael Nicholas)
09. Hush! My Dear
10. Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 605: Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
11. Sing to the Infant Boy
12. Das Orgelbüchlein, BWV 607: Vom Himmel kam der Engel schar
13. Rocking Carol (Arr. Edward Higginbottom)
14. A New Year Carol
15. Up! Good Christen Folk (Arr. G.R. Woodward)
16. In the Stillness
17. Torches
18. The Growing Limbs of God the Son
19. In the Bleak Mid-Winter (Arr. John Bertalot)
20. There is a Flower Springing (English Translation by Ursula Wood)
21. Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Arr. G.R. Woodward / David Willcocks, Descant by John Scott)
22. Make We Merry: Sweet Was the Song
23. Candlelight Carol



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