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[无损专辑] A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki |
专辑名称:A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki
表演者:久石让 流派:CROSS CLASSICAL跨界古典 语种:日语 专辑类型:专辑 发行时间:2023-06-30 唱片公司:UNIVERSAL MUSIC LLC 资源格式:FLAC分轨 / Hi-Res / 96KHz / 24bit 专辑简介: 德意志留声机公司(Deutsche Grammophon)宣布与久石让签署独家协议,并于6月30日发行首张专辑《A Symphonic Celebration》,其中收录了久石让为《千与千寻》《幽灵公主》《龙猫》等吉卜力工作室的经典动画影片所创作的音乐作品,所有曲目由久石让大师为交响乐团重新改编,并亲自指挥皇家爱乐乐团录制于伦敦。 [attach]21026[/attach] 专辑曲目: 01. Merry-Go-Round of Life (from 'Howl’s Moving Castle') 人生旋转木马(选自《哈尔的移动城堡》) 02. One Summer's Day (The Name of Life) (English Version / from 'Spirited Away') 那个夏天(生命之名)(英语版/选自《千与千寻》) 03. The Legend of the Wind (from 'Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind') 风的传说(选自《风之谷》) 04. Nausicaä Requiem (from 'Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind') 娜乌西卡安魂曲(选自《风之谷》) 05. The Battle between Mehve and Corvette (from 'Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind') 梅维与克尔维特之战(选自《风之谷》) 06. The Distant Days (from 'Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind') 遥远的日子(选自《风之谷》) 07. The Bird Man (from 'Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind') 鸟人(选自《风之谷》) 08. A Town with an Ocean View (from 'Kiki's Delivery Service') 海景小镇(选自《魔女的宅急便》) 09. Heartbroken Kiki (from 'Kiki's Delivery Service') 伤心的Kiki(选自《魔女的宅急便》) 10. Mother’s Broom (from 'Kiki's Delivery Service') 母亲的扫帚(选自《魔女的宅急便》) 11. The Legend of Ashitaka (from 'Princess Mononoke') 阿西达卡传奇(选自《幽灵公主》) 12. The Demon God (from 'Princess Mononoke') 恶魔神(选自《幽灵公主》) 13. Princess Mononoke (from 'Princess Mononoke') 幽灵公主(选自《幽灵公主》) 14. A Journey (A Dream of Flight) (from 'The Wind Rises') 旅程(飞行的梦想)(选自《起风了》) 15. Nahoko (The Encounter) (from 'The Wind Rises') 奈穗子(相遇)(选自《起风了》) 16. A Journey (A Kingdom of Dreams) (from 'The Wind Rises') 旅程(梦想的王国)(选自《起风了》) 17. Deep Sea Pastures (from 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea') 深海牧场(选自《崖上的波妞》) 18. Mother Sea (from 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea') 母亲海(选自《崖上的波妞》) 19. Ponyo's Sisters Lend a Hand - A Song for Mothers and the Sea (from 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea') 波妞的姐妹们伸出援手 - 献给母亲和大海的歌(选自《崖上的波妞》) 20. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (from 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea') 崖上的波妞(选自《崖上的波妞》) 21. Doves and the Boy (from 'Castle in the Sky') 鸽子与少年(选自《天空之城》) 22. Carrying You (from 'Castle in the Sky') 伴随着你(选自《天空之城》) 23. Bygone Days (from 'Porco Rosso') 过去的日子(选自《红猪》) 24. Symphonic Variation "Merry-Go-Round + Cave of Mind" (from 'Howl’s Moving Castle') 交响变奏曲“人生旋转木马 + 心灵的洞穴” (选自《哈尔的移动城堡》) 25. One Summer's Day (The Name of Life) (Japanese Version / from 'Spirited Away') 那个夏天(生命之名)(日语版/选自《千与千寻》) 26. Reprise (from 'Spirited Away') 再度(选自《千与千寻》) 27. The Path of the Wind (from 'My Neighbor Totoro') 风之甬道(选自《龙猫》) 28. Hey Let's Go (from 'My Neighbor Totoro') 嘿,我们走吧(选自《龙猫》) 29. My Neighbor Totoro (from 'My Neighbor Totoro') 我的邻居龙猫(选自《龙猫》) 解压密码:www.80wusun.com 下载地址:
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