2007-Listen To Eason Chan
01.玛利奥派对 Mario Party
02.热岛小夜曲 Tropical Island Serenade
03.闪 Flash
04.演唱会 Concert Live Gig
05.滑铁卢车站 Waterloo Station
06.Crying in the Party
07.狂热革命 Maniacal Revolution
08.变色龙 Chameleon
09.时代巨轮 Wheel of the Era
10.乜嘢啫What Do You Want
2022-EasON AIR
01.冷雨 (Live at EasON AIR)
02.慢慢喜欢你 (Live at EasON AIR)
03.你有自己一套 (Live at EasON AIR)
04.无底洞 (Live at EasON AIR)
05.下周同样时间 (再见) (Live at EasON AIR)
06.暂停开始过 (Live at EasON AIR)