得閑飮茶 发表于 2024-4-9 15:08:24

[FLAC]《Open Your Ears(终极耳机测试精选)》VA 2010/Hi-Res/96-24/FLAC分轨/BD

专辑名称:Open Your Ears
又名:The Ultimate Test Disc for Headphones / 终极耳机测试精选
表演者:Various Artists
专辑类型: 专辑
发行时间: 2010

  When David Chesky reached out with his idea to work with Head-Fi.org on a sampler album with tracks specifically hand-picked to help wring out and test headphone audio systems, I smiled from one headphone-covered ear to the other. Yes! was my obvious answer.
  We talked about it on the phone, over e-mail, and finally had a meeting in Las Vegas during CES 2010, and the project was a go. What resulted was The Head-Fi / HDtracks Open Your Ears Sampler.
  I'm a long-time fan of Mr. Chesky and his label. If you're a music-loving audiophile, then you know the names David Chesky, Chesky Records, and HDtracks.com. David is a wonderful composer and musician in his own right, and his works have been a beloved part of my music collection. Through his Chesky Records label, David also brings us the works of others like McCoy Tyner, Monty Alexander, Bucky Pizzarelli, John Pizzarelli, Peggy Lee, John Hammond, Paquito D'Rivera, Badi Assad, Rebecca Pidgeon, and so many more.
  Each and every track assembled for this, The Head-Fi/HDtracks Open Your Ears Sampler, was carefully selected by David and additionally reviewed by Steve Guttenberg (author of The Audiophiliac high-end audio blog at CNET) and myself. If you have a 24-bit/96kHz-capable system, this album is also available in a 24/96 FLAC version, which shouldn't be surprising considering Chesky Records was one of the early producers and purveyors of high-res music, and Chesky's HDtracks.com is now leading the downloadable high-res charge.
  Included on The Head-Fi/HDtracks Open Your Ears Sampler are tracks for testing:
  Midrange tonality
  Low-Level Resolution
  Visceral Impact
  Out-Of-Head Imaging
  Center Focus
  Palpable Detail and Texture
  Spatial Depth
  Bass Extension
  If you want to know how good your headphones can sound, listen to great sounding recordings. Each track on this sampler was selected to demonstrate specific audio qualities like transparency, dynamic range, imaging, etc.

01. Midrange tonality - Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of人声真实感
02. Low-Level Resolution - Money右边的鼓点如何充满整个大厅
03. Transparency - Get Behind The Mule人声和吉他的清晰度和准确度
04. Visceral Impact - Sare Tete Wa鼓点动感
05. Out-Of-Head Imaging - Gadamaylin一开始的鸟叫和市井之音有距离感,二胡的空间感,整曲都很有远近感
06. Center Focus - Texas Ranger女声和乐器有相同的集中感
07. Palpable Detail and Texture - Concerto for Basoon and Orchestra, Movement 3一开始的拍手声,大管声音的饱满度
08. Rhythm - Hajji Baba节奏感
09. Spatial Depth - Percussion Imaging Test鼓手在3 6 9 12 15 30 70英尺距离演奏的纵深感
10. Depth - Tumbao De Tamborito萨克斯在最前面,贝斯在最后,现场感
11. Bass Extension - Heartbeat50 40 30 20赫兹的低音延伸
12. Bass - Everything is Broken区分贝斯和鼓点,低音的现场感


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yaobode 发表于 2024-4-10 09:25:01


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