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[无损专辑] [FLAC]《M A N I A》Fall Out Boy 2018/Hi-Res/44.1KHz/24bit/FLAC分轨/BD+CT

发表于 2020-11-12 00:30:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专辑名称:M A N I A
表演者: Fall Out Boy
流派: 摇滚
专辑类型: 专辑
发行时间: 2018-01-19
出版者: Island

★格莱美奖入围肯定,EMO摇滚天团 睽违三年全新大碟
★收录不露脸天后希雅操刀主打"Champion"及入围MTV音乐录影带大奖「最佳摇滚单曲」” Young And Menace”等10首全新力作
以Pop Punk为音乐骨干,混搭上Pop Rock、Emo Pop甚至Hip Hop等多种风格,塑造出独一无二的乐风,打倒男孩Fall Out Boy的出现,替乐团史写下全新里程碑,在全球卖出破千万张销量,成为千禧世代中最异军突起的摇滚乐团;2018将以全新专辑【MANIA】融合当代前卫乐风,回归到乐坛之中,必掀起另一波摇滚乐划时代的革命。
成军于2001年伊利诺州的Fall Out Boy,由主唱兼节奏吉他手的Patrick Stump、主吉他手Joe Trohman、贝斯手Pete Wentz与鼓手Andy Hurley等四人为乐团成员,在这17年间,缔造出3张告示牌主流榜冠军专辑,创下破千万张销售,获得4座MTV音乐大奖、5座少年票选奖等,而YouTube上的总点阅次数,更是来到15亿次。在上一张专辑【American Beauty/American Psycho】摘下告示牌主流、另类与摇滚榜的三料冠军,大卖百万张之后,就在参加2016年音乐祭时,主唱兼节奏吉他手的Patrick ,向贝斯手Pete秀出了新歌曲,两人听了之后对新碰撞倍感兴奋,决定以此作为新专辑的创作起点。 Pete表示,「有些时候,人就是得把自己当成电脑,将一些旧的记忆体与资料都删除,然后展开全新的旅程。这个过程虽然会很困难,但我们就是抱着这样的心情,投入到新专辑的创作。」就在2016年巡演结束后进到录音室中,以开阔的心胸广纳各类乐风,融入最新颖、前卫的元素;经历超过一年的锻造,交出了第七张全新专辑【MANIA】
【MANIA】请到了王牌制作人Jesse Shatkin(联合公园、艾丽高登),以及不露脸天后希雅Sia也参与了专辑的制作;开场的"Young and Menace",也是首支主打单曲,在摇滚中融入强烈的EDM元素,刻划出音乐上的异种结合,令人为之一亮;与Sia携手谱出,兼具摇滚和流行精髓的"Champion",登记告示牌摇滚榜TOP10佳绩,谱出Fall Out Boy心中的经典招牌;线上串流快速冲破900万点播的"Hold Me Tight or Don`t",将乐团一贯的EMO风格与异国音乐结合,打造出摇滚界的另类典范;除此之外,2018年的开始,用Fall Out Boy的【MANIA】,敲开摇滚的全新大门!

The pop-punk titans Fall Out Boy will return with a new album called M A N I A on September 15th through Island/DCD2, it serves as their seventh overall following 2015’s lukewarm American Beauty/American Psycho.
A week after leading fans on a Chicago scavenger hunt, Fall Out Boy has made good on its promise of unveiling something big. On April 27, one of the last rock bands standing on Top 40 radio shared “Young and Menace,” the first single off a new album called M A N I A, out Sept. 15.
Yes, M A N I A -- caps lock, odd spacing and all -- that’s how it’s officially styled, according to a press release from the band. It’s Fall Out Boy’s seventh studio album and it’s coming out on the band’s longtime labels, Island Records and DCD2 Records. It follows 2015’s American Beauty/American Psycho, which produced the Hot 100 hits “Centuries” and “Uma Thurman.”
On Twitter, bassist/lyricist Pete Wentz penned a lengthy, very Wentz-like abstract note on the LP:
“The gentle pull of a tide that rolls over and over again and by the sheer nature of its essence it becomes an indestructible will — ripping out sand — eroding what was before it — without a care… a transformational monster-becoming the madness and frenzy of a truly bulletproof wave. I’m not just here for your love, I’m here for all of the love. An overdose of dopamine- we are living inside of M A N I A right now. the never sleeping, never blinking- caught forever in the sunshine riptide.”
As a preview, the Chicago outfit has let loose lead single “Young and Menace”, which sounds like pop punk as reimagined by Skrillex (take that for what it is). Fall Out Boy have also revealed its fantastical music video, which was directed by SCANTRON and Mel Soria. “The concept is the idea of a movie like Elf, where he realizes maybe he isn’t an elf after all, but ours has less comedic elements and more real world implication,” explained Wentz.

01 Young And Menace
02 Champion
03 Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea [Clean]
04 Hold Me Tight Or Don’T
05 The Last Of The Real Ones
06 Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) [Clean]
07 Church
08 Heaven’s Gate
09 Sunshine Riptide [feat. Burna Boy] [Clean]
10 Bishops Knife Trick



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