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[无损专辑] [FLAC]《Puts The Hours (Live)》Renée Fleming 2024/Hi-Res/48-24/FLAC分轨/BD

发表于 2024-5-24 21:53:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专辑名称:Puts The Hours (Live)
表演者:Renée Fleming
流派:Classique, Opéra
唱片公司:Warner Classics

凯文·普茨的《小时》于2022年在纽约大都会歌剧院首演,由乔伊斯·迪多纳托、蕾妮·弗莱明和凯莉·奥哈拉主演,被《纽约时报》称赞为“真诚、有说服力……热情……抒情”。歌剧将于2024年5月回归大都会歌剧院。《小时》根据斯蒂芬·达尔德里执导的2002年获奖电影和迈克尔·坎宁安的原著小说改编,将20世纪三个不同时期的人物和事件交织在一起。乔伊斯·迪多纳托(Joyce DiDonato)扮演作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)的关键角色,他说:“尽管这部作品正面处理死亡,但它是生命的终结,告诉了一个永恒的故事。人物的斗争是普遍的,通过不同的个性和时期来突出他们,希望每个人都能在故事中找到自己的一部分。”

● 这段录音展示了普利策奖获奖作曲家凯文·普茨的歌剧《小时》,该剧在上一季的全球首演舞台制作中,在纽约大都会歌剧院向座无虚席的观众播放。
● 这部强有力的故事以格雷格·皮尔斯的剧本为特色,改编自迈克尔·坎宁安备受赞誉的小说,灵感来自弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《达洛维夫人》,讲述了三位来自不同时代的女性,她们每个人都在与自己内心的恶魔和社会角色作斗争。
● 乔伊斯·迪多纳托(饰演弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫)与蕾妮·弗莱明(Renée Fleming)一起饰演克拉丽莎·沃恩(Clarissa Vaughan),凯莉·奥哈拉(Kelli O’Hara)饰演劳拉·布朗(Laura Brown),以及其他人一起出演由扬尼克·内泽·塞金(Yannick Nezet-Séguin)执导的超级明星阵容。

01. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: Prologue. “Flowers… Flowers” (Chorus) [Live]
02. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Platters! – What’s That, Babe?” (Clarissa, Sally, Chorus) [Live]
03. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “She Pauses at Its Threshold…” (Chorus, Clarissa, Man Under the Arch, Walter, Virginia) [Live]
04. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Go Slowly. Ignore Your Novel” (Virginia, Clarissa, Chorus, Leonard) [Live]
05. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “There’s the Scowl” (Virginia, Leonard, Chorus) [Live]
06. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Clarissa! – Barbara!” (Barbara, Clarissa, Chorus, Virginia, Leonard) [Live]
07. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Richmond… She Opens the Curtains” (Virginia, Chorus, Man Under the Arch) [Live]
08. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Missus Dalloway Said She Would Buy the Flowers Herself” (Laura, Virginia, Chorus, Dan, Richie) [Live]
09. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Oh Dan. Roses? On Your Birthday?” (Laura, Dan, Richie, Chorus) [Live]
10. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “You Know What We’re Going to Do?” (Laura, Virginia, Richie, Clarissa) [Live]
11. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Here on This Corner” (Clarissa) [Live]
12. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Good Morning, My Love!” (Clarissa, Richard, Angelica, Quentin, Julian) [Live]
13. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “We Need Four Cups” (Laura, Richie, Chorus, Nelly, Virginia) [Live]
14. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “Oh! A Reminder, Ma’am, Your Sister’s Coming at Two” (Nelly, Virginia, Richie, Laura, Kitty, Chorus, Angel
15. Puts: The Hours, Act 1: “…’Cause I’m Going to Die” (Chorus, Clarissa, Sally) [Live]
16. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Heaven? Somebody Else’s Heaven?” (Chorus, Laura, Hotel Clerk) [Live]
17. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Did It Matter Then, She Asked Herself” (Laura, Virginia) [Live]
18. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “It’s Happened – I Thought I’d Be Overjoyed, Richard!” (Leonard, Clarissa, Chorus) [Live]
19. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Louis? – Clarissa. Caught Me Smoking” (Clarissa, Louis, Chorus) [Live]
20. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Ent(ha)da oikeîs en te ge” (Chorus, Angelica, Quentin, Julian, Virginia, Vanessa, Laura) [Live]
21. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Richard! Get Down from There” (Clarissa, Richard) [Live]
22. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “For Alone You Are Holy…” (Chorus, Man Under the Arch) [Live]
23. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Mm… ’Stead of Jousting You’d Rather…” (Mrs. Latch, Richie, Laura, Clarissa, Virginia, Leonard, Nelly) [Live]
24. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “Happy My Birthday!” (Dan, Richie, Walter, Sally, Louis, Clarissa, Virginia, Leonard, Laura) [Live]
25. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “This Is My Partner, Sally” (Clarissa, Sally, Laura, Dan, Leonard) [Live]
26. Puts: The Hours, Act 2: “All Along?” (Clarissa, Laura, Virginia) [Live]




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